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Hereditary Thinning or Balding
Hereditary balding or thinning is the most common cause of hair loss. The tendency can be inherited from either the mother or father's side of the family. Women with this trait develop thinning hair, but do not become completely bald. The condition is called androgenetic alopecia and it can start in the teens, twenties, or thirties. There is no cure, although medical treatments have recently become available that may help some people. One treatment involves applying a lotion, minoxidil, to the scalp twice a day. Another treatment for men is a daily pill containing finasteride, a drug that blocks the formation of the active male hormone in the hair follicle. At Clayman Company®, we believe that the all-natural approach, by using , is the safest and most effective in achieving hair growth.

Improper Hair Cosmetic Use/Improper Hair Care
Many men and women use chemical treatments on their hair, including dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These treatments rarely damage hair if they are done correctly. However, the hair can become weak and break if any of these chemicals are used too often. Hair can also break if the solution is left on too long, if two procedures are done on the same day, or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair. If hair becomes brittle from chemical treatments, it's best to stop until the hair has grown out.